Frequently Asked Questions


What does Moving iMage Technologies do?
We are a manufacturer and integrator of purpose built technology and equipment to support a wide variety of entertainment applications with a focus on motion picture exhibition.
When did Moving iMage Technologies go public?
We began trading on the New York Stock Exchange American on July 8, 2021, following an initial public offering. The company sold 4.2 million shares of common stock at a price of $3.00 per share.
What is Moving iMage Technologies’ stock symbol, and on what exchange is the stock traded?
Our stock is traded on the New York Stock Exchange American under the symbol MITQ.
When was Moving iMage Technologies founded and incorporated?
Our company commenced operations in 2003 and was incorporated in the state of Delaware in 2020.
What is Moving iMage Technologies’ CUSIP number?
Our CUSIP number is 62464R 109.
Where is Moving iMage Technologies located?
Our headquarters are located at 17760 Newhope Street, Fountain Valley, California 92075.
When is Moving iMage Technologies’ fiscal year end?
Our fiscal year end is June 30.
Does Moving iMage Technologies pay a dividend?
We do not currently pay a dividend.
Does Moving iMage Technologies have any preferred stock outstanding?
We have not issued any preferred stock.
Does Moving iMage Technologies have a direct stock purchase program?
We do not have a direct stock purchase program. You can purchase shares of our common stock through any licensed, registered broker.
When does Moving iMage Technologies next report quarterly financial results?
Click here for a listing of upcoming events.
How can I receive Moving iMage Technologies’ press releases, SEC filings and other corporate information?
Please visit our email alerts page here to sign up to automatically receive company updates.
Who is Moving iMage Technologies’ transfer agent?
Our transfer agent is VStock Transfer, LLC.  They can be reached at 18 Lafayette Place, Woodmere, New York 11598, Phone:  855-9VSTOCK, [email protected].
What should I do if I lose my stock certificate, need to transfer ownership of my stock, or need to change my address?
Please contact VStock Transfer, LLC, our transfer agent, as listed above.
Who is Moving iMage Technologies’ outside legal counsel?
Our outside legal counsel is Manatt, Phelps & Phillips, LLP, Costa Mesa, California.
Who is Moving iMage Technologies’ independent registered public accounting firm?
Our accounting firm is CohnReznick LLP, Rosland, New Jersey.
How can I contact the Moving iMage Technologies Board of Directors?
You can contact our Board at [email protected].
How can I contact investor relations?
You can contact investor relations at (346) 396-8696 or at [email protected].